Come spring, come ... Did you know that March begins the same day of the week that begins and February, except for leap years? March is popular for holidays and it heralds the beginning of the spring. The Martisor, the special roumanian gift for 1 March is usually a small object, a pendant or a brooch, accompanied by a braided cord of a red and a white wire that women and girls receive in March 1 and carries them around for a month as a sign of the coming spring. It is said that a string of trinket that you carrie for a month, after wich you will hang in the tree and you'll make a wish, it will come true. International Women's Day, Mother's Day is celebrated on March 8. This day is celebrated since 1913. Who remembers? "For your day, Mommy, I brought in gift to you my heart ......" So March is a month dedicated to the women in our lives. A month of the year in which gifts are only for loving women in our lives, wife, mother, daughter or best friend. So you men, how will you spoil your loved ones? Women like flowers, jewelry, perfumes, there are so many beautiful things with which you can impress. You can choose one of these or all of them together, you can make a set of gift in which to put something for everyone, but most importantly do not forget in that set of gift to toss in a little of the love. Well what else ... it is spring in March and in our souls and our hearts, we hope that outside it will come alsow. We shoul wake up to life, and start new, as the whole of nature does, and offer lots of gifts in March, to make beautiful and happy days. Have a beautiful spring!