You are probably used to giving and receiving gifts as well. Discover in the following some curiosities related to them! Most of us are used to buying the gift on the last hundred meters. Statistics say that more than 50% of us usually buy a gift on the day we are going to give it. At the opposite pole are those who give more time to choosing the right gift, starting the search some time before. China was the country that started the trend of wrapping gifts and attaching a greeting card to them. Especially in the transition from one year to another, the Chinese used to send each other messages. More than a practical role, a gift is meant to bring people closer, they bring a general state of well-being to both the giver and the recipient and can even reduce stress. Contrary to appearances, over 50% of us do not appreciate the gifts we receive. This is a direct consequence of the first curiosity described above. When the time allotted to purchase a gift is not enough, we risk opting for products that do not suit the recipient. Without prior information about his tastes and hobbies, we risk failing, and he will not like the gift. A very large part of the gifts and packaging chosen are red. And here we are not necessarily talking about what is offered around Christmas. More than men, women like to give gifts. They see the gift as a proof of affection and respect for loved ones. Of course, women love to receive a gift, especially when it is not a special occasion. Discover the gifts for women that we have prepared for you in our store! Regardless of the occasion or the recipient, you have a lot of gift ideas for men, women and children if you access the website of our store - giftexpress.ro. Choose the right category of gifts and start bringing a smile on the lips of your loved ones, giving them little attention!